Ponder This…

A reasoned voice on social and political issues


Ponder This…explores the social and political issues that significantly impact us individually and collectively.


Inform and cultivate a holistic understanding of current social and political issues by articulating relevant context and historical information

Inspire individuals to examine societal issues and engage in socially responsible activities

Empower individuals to facilitate positive and just social change

Ponder This…Founder and Author: Kent Dean

I am an active, life-long student of society and the historical and political forces that have shaped modern culture and society. Ponder This… is an outgrowth of my interest in this regard.

I had the opportunity to serve communities in a public library setting for thirty years, including extensive service as a professional librarian, library manager, and library administrator. I received a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from the University of Utah and a Master of Library and Information Science degree from Brigham Young University. I currently reside in the State of Utah, U.S.