Ponder This…

A reasoned voice on social and political issues

Trump’s America: Division and Violence

It is 2020. Obama wasn’t President.  Biden wasn’t Vice President.  Trump was President. It was Trump’s America.  It was not Biden’s America.  From the beginning of his presidential campaign and throughout his presidency, Trump consistently communicated divisive and racist rhetoric. During this time, America experienced division and violence on a scale that has not occurred since the 1960s.  Yet, Trump did not take any responsibility.  He never takes responsibility for anything. Strong leaders take responsibility. Strong leaders inspire and unify. Fake leadership pushes the blame on others. Weak leaders divide. It’s clear that Trump is not a leader.  

Since he couldn’t lead, Trump wanted to create a narrative that he stands for law and order. Yet, Trump’s presidency was marred by legal and moral impropriety, consistently created chaos, marginalized constitutional and democratic processes and norms, and pursued amoral policies. Trump wanted to convince Americans that if Biden was elected President, there would be discord, violence, and lawlessness. America experienced division, violence and lawlessness in Trump’s America. Regardless of your political persuasion, this is not the America you want.

America, let’s always stand for order, decency, and democracy. 

Article Updated December 28, 2020
